LaunchGood Support Center

Where is the manual donation option?

If you participated in our annual Dhul Hijjah Challenge before, you know that we've updated the challenge to really focus on scheduled donations and ensure that we do all the work for you. 

To choose where your donations go each day and make use of the scheduled donation option, create a Giving List. Add your favorite campaigns to your Giving List, and your daily donation will automatically be charged to one campaign on the list each day, in the order you've arranged them. Learn more about how to use the Giving List here!

If you're still not sure which campaigns you want to give to and don't want to use the Giving List feature, you can still log in and manually give exactly like before and click on the "leaf" for each day. Just make sure to donate before 7 PM (ET) for your donation to be reflected on the Giving Grid for that day.

Note: If you choose to manually donate before the scheduled charges run, we would have skipped it and you will able to see Green Leaves under your Giving

If you experience any trouble or require further assistance, please reach out to

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