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All about Dhul Hijjah Challenge Boosts

What is a Dhul Hijjah Challenge Boost?

A Dhul Hijjah boost is any donation that your campaign receives from being on LaunchGood during Dhul Hijjah!

These donations can come from prizes you earned through the Daily Contest or Dhul Hijjah Referrals.

You can earn additional prizes through Dhul Hijjah Challenge members or other donors who see your campaign on the site during the blessed 10 days. These prizes can come from being featured in the challenge, homepage, discover page, our social media accounts, emails, and various other LaunchGood sources. 

What does the Dhul Hijjah Challenge Boost email mean?

The Dhul Hijjah Challenge Boost email is a summary of the donations you received on that day through the Dhul Hijjah Challenge on LaunchGood! 

Where can I see how much I got in total from Dhul Hijjah Challenge Boosts?

This information will be summarized for you on your campaign’s Insights page on the top panel.

What are the Earned Dhul Hijjah Boosts?

The Insights page will also show you any earned boosts you had. These are boosts you were guaranteed to receive from winning Daily Contests or getting sign-up boosts

What can I see on the Insights Tab? 

Your campaign’s Insights tab will show you a breakdown of where your donations, including Dhul Hijjah Challenge Boosts, came from.

Dhul Hijjah Challenge 2024 Scheduled Giving: Prizes allocated for Dhul Hijjah Referral, Leaderboard Contest wins, and other boosts.

Dhul Hijjah Challenge 2024 Giving List: Donations from Dhul Hijjah Challenge members who added your campaign to their Giving List. 

Any other source that starts with internal_* or lg_* will be other LaunchGood sources in which your campaign was featured on LaunchGood and received a donation.

The donation amount on my campaign dropped, what happened? 

Every night, scheduled giving charges from Dhul Hijjah donations get allocated first. However, when they run some of the charges fail or don’t go through. So it’s always best to check the final numbers in the morning Eastern Time (ET) after the auto-charges have finished and when you have received the Dhul Hijjah Boost/Prize email. 

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