The Giving list is your personalized list of campaigns you wish to donate to. Your daily scheduled donation will go to the first campaign in your Giving List. If you don't have any campaigns on your list, we will select a campaign to donate to for you. Please note that a campaign on your Giving List can only receive one of your scheduled donations.
You will receive an email receipt showcasing the campaign you have supported each day.
To add or remove campaigns from your Giving list, please follow the instructions below:
1. Go to your Dhul HIjjah Challenge homepage by visiting
2. Login to your LaunchGood account.
3. Click the drop-down button to the right of your name at the top right-hand corner and click on 'My giving'
4. Click on your Giving List

5. Add campaigns you like, or choose from some of the available suggestions under Discover Campaign. Click on the small heart-shaped icon on the top right-hand corner of the campaign image to add or remove campaigns from your list.
6. Once you add multiple campaigns, you can re-order them by clicking on the directional arrows next to each list item.

If you need help with anything else, please check out the rest of the solutions articles for the Dhul Hijjah Challenge, or reach out to