LaunchGood Support Center

How Do I Add Videos To My Campaign?

You have started to create a campaign or have a live campaign, and you would like to add a video. There are two ways to add video content to enhance your campaign pitch.


Add a video in the feature image section of your campaign page

To add a video into the feature image section of your campaign pitch, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your LaunchGood account

2. Go to your campaign page

3. Click on the Edit tab

4. Go to the Enhance section

5. Insert your YouTube or Vimeo link into the box provided. You may only enter one video in this section.  


6. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the Save & Next button to complete!

7. Well done! The video will now appear in the title section alongside your main image on the campaign page.


Add a video in the body of your pitch

To add a video into the body of your campaign pitch, follow these steps:

1. Log in to your LaunchGood account

2. Go to your campaign page

3. Click on the Edit tab

4. Go to the Tell Your Story section

5. Click on Edit to enter the campaign pitch editor

6. Type your pitch and ensure your cursor is where you want the video to be placed. Then, click on the Insert Media drop-down menu

7. Paste your video link into the box provided and click the green tick to add the video to your campaign pitch. You can add multiple videos throughout your campaign pitch.

8. Success! Your video should appear in the body of your campaign pitch. Click Save to complete.

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